“In this world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer, I have OVERCOME the WORLD.”

— Jesus                      John 16:33

Animals bring so much to our lives it’s amazing to many of us that anyone could think of them as anything less than miracles in our lives.

They protect us [and our stuff] — they keep watch over us and our kids/critters, and they generally strive to make themselves useful in the overall scheme of things. In short, they’re wide range of talents is truly amazing: they’re perceptive, wise beyond their years and quite capable in their own right — sometimes even sensing things, literally, in time to save lives!

For some — they actually make life ‘worth living’.

In short: they’re excellent companions and our lives would be a great deal less interesting without them!

Those who would hurt them, then, who would think of them as ‘disposable’ are missing the point and haven’t given them a chance to show their inherent value — which generally comes with adopting a pet and investing the time and energy necessary to develop  the critical bond that sets them apart from the ’animal kingdom’ and makes them a part of ’the family’ — your family, your life.