Many people are interested in End Times Prophecy: what’s happening in ‘todays’ world’? Are the seemingly ‘natural’ catastrophes and plagues, pestilences and world shaking events, actually indicators that we’re living in the ‘end times’? Or can we rest assured the world will continue to ‘rock along’ as it always has and everything is fine?

While we won’t attempt to tackle this issue here, Cowboy Chapels will be consistently hosting events designed to answer questions concerning the ‘end times’ as delineated in Scripture for a variety of reasons:

  1. People are innately curious beings and this is a topic that encourages study;
  2. Scripture has a great deal to say on this subject and we are admonished to ‘watch’;
  3. It’s an exciting topic that demands Christians stay apprised of world news to ascertain whether or not these are, indeed, ‘end times’;
  4. These are some of the most fascinating areas of Scripture that exist and they pertain to the entire Bible — after all, the ‘End Times’ have been discussed and  anticipated from the beginning to the end.

Since we, as Christians, would hope that all those that God has sought to save actually find their path to Him and culminate in the saving of those souls then we should consider that Scripture states that ‘Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the holy is understanding’.

Thus, we feel it’s important that Christians offer the possibility of addressing these specific areas of study in a family friendly environment that is designed to enlighten and challenge [the wisdom of the world], encourage and assist those that would like to have the opportunity to study these issues using comprehensive Scriptural study.